I'm simply a player of these games. And not a good one. :)
*yadda, yadda* The artistic and creative works of the applications 'collected' and listed in my account are entirely owned, managed and pimped out by those who put their names on their product.. hence, potentially anyone other than me. *yadda, yadda*
So... if you somehow injure yourself during game~play, I am not the person to sue, hold judgement against, take to court, yell at, photo-bomb, emoji-spam, threaten, harass, throw things at, kick, bite, bleed on, spit on, write hate msgs to, or even start a civil war against.
So, unacceptable it would be to dispatch a squad of local mercenary hitmen, or snow-blind hippy assassins my way for rudimentary "answer gathering"~ (THAT is a rather long but entertaining story, actually) ~ to "end me" if a game is not to your liking, m'kay?
M'kay then,
Have fun and stay sane!
~the DomN8RixXx~